One of PokerEduManagers key features is the build-in messaging system that allows users to discuss hands with friends and coaches. The great part is that your friend or coach doesn't need to have a PEM license to do so. The PokerEduManager SMA (stand-alone messenger) is a free application that comes with the software suite and is not tied to a PEM license.
In oder for your friend (or coach) to review your hands with you all he needs to do is install the SMA application on his sytem and register to our website. You will have to add his PEM username to your main applications contact list and you're good to go.
You can then discuss your hands with your friend, coach or other PEM users via the PEM main application and your contact will use SMA to reply to your questions or to give you some advice. You can then again add notes to the hand in question in PEM.
Watch the SMA Quickstart Video for details and feel free to share your PEM user details in the contact exchange to grow your contacts list.